What’s happening at MOD? The short answer is “lots!”. Read all about it in the November 2015 Moravian Magazine.
25th Anniversary Celebration
The year 2012 marked the 25th anniversary of Moravian Open Door. Read the November Moravian Magazine article about the special events of September 30, 2012 to mark this milestone, view pictures of the events, and watch a video of clients and former clients telling their stories.
Moravian Magazine: Breakfast Program
In April 2012, MOD launched its breakfast program for clients. Read the article in the September 2012 Moravian Magazine. Read the entire article.
The One-One Program Connects Residents with Churches and Individuals
Featured in the September 2011 issue of The Moravian Magazine. “Moravian Open Door’s One-One program, an effort that makes a one-to-one connection between an individual resident at MOD and a church group or individual, was revitalized this past year with every Moravian church in the Northern Province invited to participate. …” Read the entire article.
Life Skills Center Dedicated
February 20, 2010, marked a joyous occasion as many supporters of Moravian Open Door, including staff, Board of Directors, clients, volunteers, and representatives of cooperating agencies joined in a formal dedication of the Life Skills Center. It was announced that as part of the Life Skills program, grant funds from the IGH Foundation and the Guardian Life Insurance Company will make possible a breakfast program for clients in the near future.